Friday, January 23, 2009


We have been hit by the bug! Actually there have been several bugs that made a temporary home here. Quinn got a nasty little sinus infection, but it was wiped out quickly with a round of antibiotics. Gav started showing signs of something not good and we thought he was headed down the same road. Nope, Gav got a good old stomach flu. And not a quick one, one that comes and lingers with a fever and the works (not to mention, a horrible diaper rash - poor guy!) Dedi followed Gav by one day, but it looks like she is finally in the clear! Fingers are crossed that no one else gets it because we are supposed to go to Midway for an overnighter on Saturday and I REALLY want to go! Wish us luck!

Oh, and by the way, I finished my February stitch club project! I'll get a picture up soon. Two for two - Yeah!!!!

1 comment:

Kari V. said...

I know what you mean...we have been sick int he family too. I hope your family recovers soon. Get well..:)